Costs - David Hodson, Criminal Defence Lawyer (Retired)

David Hodson (Retired) Criminal Defence Law

What does it cost to mount a defence?

The Retainer Agreement (Contract) confirms all obligations, so you know up-front and in writing what costs to expect.
Most criminal law matters in the Ontario Court of Justice (lower court) are invoiced on a Block or Fixed Fee basis. For example, a domestic assault charge is $1,500.00 (+ HST), which fee includes all services up to and including a Judicial Pre-Trial (meeting with a Judge to discuss the matter). If the matter is going to trial, another $1,500.00 (+ HST) is required for the first trial day. In essence, negotiated guilty pleas are, usually, invoiced as above - regardless of the number of court appearances.

Generally, most trials cost the same as the domestic assault example above. However, sometimes, Charter or technical arguments require a formal application to The Court during or at trial. For example, if the police conduct an illegal search of your home and find marijuana, an application to exclude the marijuana found is required. The costs for these applications vary, but no costs will be incurred without your approval.

Superior Court of Justice (High Court) is usually reserved for the more serious or dated sexual assault matters. Any proceeding in the SCJ is complicated and is, usually, expensive. For example, a trial with Judge and Jury can easily cost $3,500.00 each day. However, all proceeding start in the Ontario Court of Justice, and there is usually plenty of time to decide which court you want your trial in.

Payment Plans are acceptable with terms dependent upon your circumstances.